RETURN TO THE HELLMOUTH IS BACK! And most of us are getting super bi as we discuss Vampire Willow and Wishverse Buffy. David is just bemused by the girls.
A Podcast Rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel from the beginning
RETURN TO THE HELLMOUTH IS BACK! And most of us are getting super bi as we discuss Vampire Willow and Wishverse Buffy. David is just bemused by the girls.
Emcee, Andie, David, Jan and Logan celebrate the return of Spike, the end of the Plotline That Can’t Be Named and one of the funniest scenes of the series.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEONE GIVE FAITH A HUG! Emcee, Andie, David and Jan look at the breakdown of the relationship between two slayers and refuse to look at another relationship.
It’s a thirsty, thirsty episode as Emcee, Andie and Jan drool over Ripper, while David just wonders about the mechanics of how Band Candy works. They also laud Armin Shimmerman and bemoan the continuation of the Plotline That Shall Not Be Named.
A perfectly good episode is spoiled for Emcee, Andie, David and Jan as the Plotline That Shall Not Be Spoken Of appears. But otherwise, they enjoy one of the only Buffy episodes centring on Cordelia. Also velvet blazers.
Andie finally finds an episode she hates more than Teacher’s Pet as she, Emcee, David and Jan look at this Very Special Episode about domestic abuse that falls flat on its face. WARNING: THIS EPISODE CONTAINS FRANK DISCUSSION OF ABUSE
Emcee, Andie, David and Logan welcome Faith to the show and take a long, hard look at her psychological damage. They also think of a world where K. Todd Freeman was cast as Spike.
Emcee, Andie, David and Jan eviscerate Buffy’s friends and family for their horrible treatment of a girl obviously suffering PTSD and David puts up with some panting over the appearance of Ripper at the end.
Emcee, Andie, David and Jan start a new season, looking at this episode that functions as a season premiere, a backdoor pilot and a character journey for Buffy and Chanterelle-Lily-Anne.
Emcee, Andie, David and Logan go over the highs and lows of season two, look at the Spike-Drusilla-Angelus arc as a whole and decide who the MVP of the season was.